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Hangzhou establishes e-commerce research institute
en.hangzhou.com.cn  2018/12/24 14:27  ehangzhou.gov.cn

A Hangzhou research institute for e-commerce, jointly initiated by National Engineering Laboratory for E-Commerce Technologies and Zhejiang Gongshang University, is unveiled in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Dec 20. [Photo/chinanews.com.cn]

A Hangzhou research institute for e-commerce, jointly initiated by National Engineering Laboratory for E-Commerce Technologies and Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZJSU), was unveiled in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on Dec 20.

Supported by China (Hangzhou) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area, the institute will focus on the basic science disciplines of e-commerce, talent cultivation as well as providing overseas students with related education, especially students from countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

It also aims to be a major player in the technology and service research of the national e-commerce industry.

True cross-border e-commerce talents are those who are inter-disciplinary and who can not only understand foreign trade and speak foreign languages, but also have a savvy mind towards the internet and the international management, according to an official from ZJSU.

He believes that only when enterprises, universities and social organizations work together can they promote the development of cross-border e-commerce in Zhejiang.

ZJSU is a pioneer in e-commerce research among all the universities in China, and is the only university providing bachelor, master and doctoral degrees in e-commerce in Zhejiang province.

Last November, ZJSU formed a partnership with China (Hangzhou) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area and established the China (Hangzhou) cross-border e-commerce school.

The inauguration ceremony of Hangzhou research institute on e-commerce is held in Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Dec 20. [Photo/zjgsu.edu.cn]

China (Hangzhou) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area, the country's first cross-border e-commerce base, is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

Author: Editor:Dong Lixue
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