What flowers are blooming in HZ now?
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-03-19 13:11   Source: Hangzhoufeel

Spiraea thunbergii

Stroll along the stream beside the tea fields, you will be surprised to find a waterfall of white blossoms just outside the Shuangfeng Hall of the China National Tea Museum. Dubbed as Snow White in spring, the mesmerizing flower is called Spiraea thunbergii, which densely fill each branch of the trees.

Time:Mid-late March

Places:China National Tea Museum(Shuangfeng Hall)

Cole flower 


The golden carpet of cole flowers stretches out in all directions, creating a serene ambiance and a feeling of being connected to nature's beauty. Jingshan is an excellent destination for admiring the stunning cole flower fields. Moreover, you can also take part in the "Songyun Kite Festival," where you will have the chance to witness a diverse array of creatively designed kites.

According to the available information, Jingshan Flower Sea hosts various kite-related activities, including the traditional Song Dynasty headdress decoration every weekend until the end of March.

Time:March to April

Places:Jingshan Flower Sea (Yuhang District), White Horse Lake (Xiaoshan District)

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao