What flowers are blooming in HZ now?
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-03-19 13:11   Source: Hangzhoufeel


杭州植物园 玉兰花.jpg

Next to the Swan Pond in Phase 1 of the Xianghu Lake, the rare purple magnolias have also bloomed, creating an enchanting purple flower sea that captivates visitors’ attention. Besides immersing in the intense aesthetic experience of flowers, visitors can also observe the black swans in the Swan Pond which situates on a small island within Xianghu Lake, and there are a total of 45 swans in the pond currently. Additionally, there are various bird species such as moorhen, Pulsatilla chinensis,and Eurasian collared doves. It's a perfect destination where visitors can embrace the harmony of flowers and wildlife.

Time:Early-mid March

Places:Hangzhou Botanical Garden, Faxi Temple, Xihu State Guesthouse

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao