Exhibition in collaboration with Lyon History Museum opens in Hangzhou
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-06-11 16:00   Source: Tide News

The 2024 Silk Road Week will officially open on June 19, according to a news briefing held on June 7. 

Silk Road Week, now in its fifth consecutive year, promises a rich cultural experience with a variety of exciting events. The thematic exhibitions include Lyon in the 18th Century: the Prosperity of the Silk Capital in the Age of Enlightenment, which will last from June 7 to Sept 6.

The exhibition, in collaboration with the Lyon History Museum in France, features 18th-century urban models, silk fabrics and garments from Lyon, the "Silk Capital" of France. It showcases the economic, social and fashion developments of France during the Enlightenment, highlighting Sino-Western cultural exchanges through elements of "Chinoiserie" in art and fashion.

Author: Reporter Zhong Xinyi; Intern Ye Weikang  Editor: Ye Lijiao