Generation Z, come cover the great event!
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-02-17 15:10   Source: City Express

The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games is now calling for 20 youngsters globally who are passionate for introducing the Games and Hangzhou to the world.

Wherever you are in the world, you are invited to join our team of professionals to cover the 19th Asian Games online/offline.

The selected 20 generation Z members will have the opportunity to participate in covering the Hangzhou Asian Games, which is to take place this September, under the supervision of media experts in sports news, global news and multimedia production, etc.

The event is divided into two phases. Phase 1 is from January to May 2022, calling for participations and selecting 20 from all the entries. Phase 2 is from June to September 2022, providing news trainings and opportunities to the 20 members.

We want you to be proficient in using social media. You must have excellent English communication skills and preferably speak another Asian language. Technical skills in operating film and audio equipment and editing software are required.

This event is hosted by the City Express and its English version Hangzhoufeel, jointly organized by the School of Foreign Languages of Zhejiang University of Science & Technology and the School of Foreign Languages of Hangzhou Normal University.

If you are interested, don't hesitate to send your work to us either verbally (in English within 400 words) or with a short video (in English, mp4 format for less than 2 minutes), centering on the theme of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022. Please email your work to Hangzhoufeel@126.com, OR just post your work on your Facebook and @Hangzhoufeel.

The application will be ended on May 31st, 2022. Come and join us!

Author: Li Zheng  Editor: Wang Jian