A Glimpse at 3rd GDTE's featured pavilions
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-09-14 17:01   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

The third Global Digital Trade Expo (GDTE) will kick off on September 25-29. It features one comprehensive pavilion and eight specialized pavilions, to display the latest achievements in digital trade and advance deep international cooperation.

Comprehensive Pavilion homes global leading enterprises.

Silk Road E-commerce Pavilion helps brands go overseas. 

Data & Finance Pavilion displays financial innovation.

AI Pavilion brings cutting-edge technology experience.

Smart City Pavilion demonstrates future life scenarios.

Digital Entertainment Pavilion promotes culture exports.

Digital & Intelligent Travel Pavilion explores low-carbon travel models.

Digital Health Pavilion presents health solutions empowered by technology. 

Consumer Electronics Pavilion showcases new products and trade-in policies.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao