Preview of 3rd GDTE's highlights
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-08-22 17:30   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

The third Global Digital Trade Expo (GDTE) will be held in Hangzhou on September 25-29. The expo will span 150,000 square meters, featuring a comprehensive pavilion and eight specialized pavilions dedicated to various digital industries. The first robot exhibition area will be seen and the Global Smart City Conference is set to be held then at the event.

More than 1,000 digital trade enterprises and 15 international organizations have confirmed their participation, and professional purchasers from over 50 countries and regions are expected to join in the procurement activities.

Activities such as Silk Road E-commerce Day and Digital Trade Night will be held, and interactive experiences will be enhanced through technologies like digital human, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and glasses-free 3D.

It will optimize the online platform called "Digital Trade Online" to extend trading time from five days offline to 365 days a year online.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao