How Hangzhou Safari Park animals beat the summer heat
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-07-16 15:46   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

With Hangzhou entering the season of high temperatures, Hangzhou Safari Park has implemented various cooling measures to help animals beat the heat. From ice-cold treats and misting systems to swimming pools and adjusted schedules, the park is ensuring that its furry residents stay cool during the scorching summer.

Giant pandas: Chilled bamboo shoots and air conditioning

When temperatures soar above 35 C, chilled food is brought out for the giant pandas, Lili and Banban. They enjoy ice-cold bamboo shoots, steamed corn buns, and carrots, all presented on large ice blocks. After their meal, they relax in air-conditioned rooms maintained at 25 C or lower. The outdoor enclosures are closed for the season to ensure the pandas' health. To keep them active, their food is placed on enrichment structures, encouraging them to move indoors.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao