Zhejiang International Communication Center established
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-06-03 16:50   Source: CGTN

Zhejiang International Communication Center was officially unveiled in Hangzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, on Friday. 


As the host of major events such as the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the Hangzhou Asian Games, the "Liangzhu Forum" and the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit, Zhejiang Province enjoys rich resources and inherent advantages in international communication, and has attracted increasing attention from around the world.

The center has an all-in-one communication platform of "websites + news channels + overseas social media platform account matrix," with a total follower base of over 8 million. It aims to become a modern provincial-level international communication entity that is first-class in China, influential in the world and endowed with distinctive Zhejiang characteristics.

The Zhejiang International Communication Center was officially unveiled in Hangzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, May 31, 2024. /Zhejiang International Communication Center

The Zhejiang International Communication Center was officially unveiled in Hangzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, May 31, 2024. /Zhejiang International Communication Center

At the ceremony, 10 experts from renowned domestic universities and think tanks were appointed as special experts on international communication for Zhejiang Province. Twelve non-Chinese people were appointed as global ambassadors for Chinese culture.

Liu Hongwu, a specially invited expert on international communication and dean of the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University, shared his personal experiences. He said that by telling China's stories well, China can become more approachable, respectable and lovable in the eyes of the world, and China will have more good friends and good partners internationally.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao
Zhejiang International Communication Center was officially unveiled in Hangzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, on Friday.