Hangzhou adopts unmanned police patrol cars
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-05-24 16:22   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

Binjiang District of Hangzhou introduces the first batch of L4 unmanned police patrol cars with 24-hour uninterrupted patrol and monitoring functions in Zhejiang. The vehicle is provided with artificial intelligence, 5G communication, high-definition cameras, and other advanced technologies, able to perform tasks, such as violation capture, road condition monitoring, and remote call.

It is also furnished with fire extinguishers, rescue ropes, life buoys and other rescue equipment. In case of emergencies, citizens can intercept the vehicle to call the police, and use the rescue equipment.

“The unmanned patrol car is an effective supplement to our traditional patrol methods, and can solve the problems, including insufficient patrol police and difficult police coverage at night,” said Wang Naisong, the patrol police captain.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao   Editor: Li Jiameng