Beautiful species showcase Hangzhou's amazing biodiversity
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-05-22 16:56   Source: Hangzhoufeel

May 22 marks the International Day for Biological Diversity. "Be part of the Plan", the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) 2024, is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also referred to as the Biodiversity Plan.

According to a survey conducted at the end of 2023, over 9,300 species have been recorded in Hangzhou, including globally new species such as the Cantharellus albomarginatus, Zacco tiaoxiensis, and Favolaschia semicircularis, as well as new species recorded in China like Merismodes anomala.

During the ongoing biodiversity surveys and assessments, Hangzhou has discovered numerous globally new species in recent years, along with many newly recorded species in China appearing in the city. This fully demonstrates the achievements of Hangzhou in biodiversity conservation.

Physalacria tianzhongshanensis

A new global species, Physalacria tianzhongshanensis, has been discovered in Hangzhou's Fuyang district. It is up to about 1 cm in diameter and grows mainly on the dead branches of broad leaves. This is the second new fungal species discovered in Fuyang, and traces of this species have been found in two mountains.

Helicogloea hangzhouensis

A research team in Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou, identified a new global fungal species, Hangzhou coiled gel ear (Helicogloea hangzhouensis). Published in the prestigious journal Mycology on March 21, 2024, this species, with its unique gelatinous fruit bodies that flourish in highly humid conditions typically after rain, is currently found exclusively in Xiaoshan.

Mesechinus orientalis

The East China Forest Hedgehog (Mesechinus orientalis), a brand-new species, has been spotted in places like Jingshan town of Hangzhou’s Yuhang district, filling a species gap in eastern China.

Isoetes changleensis & Isoetes yuhangensis

Two new Isoetes species were discovered in Yuhang district from 2021 to 2022. Recently, this groundbreaking discovery was published in the journal Phytotaxa by Chinese aquatic plant specialist Chen Yuchu from Hangzhou and Professor Liu Xing's team from Wuhan University. Isoetes changleensis, found in Changle Forest Farm in Jingshan, and Isoetes yuhangensis, discovered in Cibi village, Huanghu town, are now officially recognized as part of the Isoetes genus and are under top-tier national protection.

As the only UNESCO biosphere reserve in Hangzhou, the Tianmu Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Lin'an district not only boasts the world's only five wild Ostrya rehderiana, but also is where the nationally protected wild plant, Calanthe sieboldii Decne was discovered, during this year's field survey of herbaceous plants. Meanwhile, the South China sika deer in the Qingliangfeng National Nature Reserve have also welcomed their first fawn of the year.

The excellent ecological environment is Hangzhou's most charming and competitive unique advantage and strategic resource, constantly attracting global attention. In September next year, Hangzhou will host the Fifth World Conference on Biosphere Reserves. This will be the first time the global event is held in China and in the Asia-Pacific region.

Taking the International Day for Biological Diversity as an opportunity to depict a beautiful China, Hangzhoufeel is launching the "Biodiversity Around Me" campaign. This initiative invites overseas social media accounts of cities from across the country to participate in, showcasing the biodiversity of China's vast land to the world audience. We also encourage you to "Be part of the Plan", and are looking forward to your involvement by sharing your captivating photos and vivid stories centered around biodiversity through your comments.

Author: Fang Jingyi  Editor: Ye Lijiao