Intl students from Hangzhou universities explore Lin'an
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-05-22 16:42   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

Thrity international students from Zhejiang International Studies University recently explored the Qingshan Lake Water Forest Park in Lin'an district.

Over the course of three days, the students visited rural areas, interacted with local farmers, participation in agricultural activities and toured local enterprises, appreciating Lin'an's natural beauty, cultural richness, industrial development, and rural charm and witnessing China's modernization and rural vitalization efforts from a unique perspective.

During the launch ceremony, the international student delegation received "Discover Lin'an" exploration badges. Additionally, Hangzhou Qingshan Lake Tourism Co was designated as an educational base for international students at Zhejiang International Studies University to learn about local and national conditions.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao