The West Lake are packed with summer birds
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-05-14 14:30   Source: Hangzhou China

The West Lake in a time approaching summer resembles an emerald, stunningly beautiful fairyland.

Broods of fluffy young mandarin ducks, wild ducks, and little black coots have hatched out at the northern foot of the Solitary Hill, over the Quyuan-Fenghe park, and around Maojiabu, all within the embrace of the West Lake. As they grow a little older, under the vigilant care of their mothers, they venture into the water together, engaging in playful antics and reveling in their aquatic world.

A few more bridges particularly named "mandarin duck (Yuan-Yang)" were also set up over the lotus-filled waters. They are made of fresh bamboo sheets and soft, multilayered non-woven fabrics as a coating. This year's new ones have brought a total count of 10 "mandarin duck bridges" around the lake area, strategically placed across the north, west, and outer zones of the West Lake, offering ample spaces for the young mandarin ducks to swim and play with abandon. 

In recent days, a multitude of summer birds have been returning, seeking respite on the lake. Foremost among these seasonal visitors are typically the Green Herons, which, at this time, are prominently spotted throughout the West Lake. 

The lake administration calls citizens for a proper distance away from these little "lakeside residents", especially not to catch, feed or alarm them. They belong to the city and will find it a sweet home.  

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao