Hangzhou to launch unmanned taxis soon
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-05-10 16:25   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

The fact that Hangzhou became the first city in China to establish the legislation on on-road process of unmanned vehicles on May 1 justifies its attempts in developing unmanned vehicles. The safety and application scenarios of unmanned vehicles spark public concerns. 

For safety, unmanned vehicles can proficiently cope with road conditions like experienced drivers, and give way to the pedestrians.

The application scenarios of unmanned vehicles are diverse in Hangzhou, including regular travel at the high-speed railway station and airport, metro transfer, scenic area sightseeing, and logistics delivery.

Citizens and tourists can go to places like Hangzhou Citizen Center, Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center, and Binjiang District Government to experience unmanned vehicles.

In the future, unmanned vehicles will be applied on night transfer and environmental sanitation & cleaning, bringing convenience to people's life.

On May 7, the scientific research personnel tested the unmanned minibus in Hangzhou Xianghu Scenic Area. [ Photo/Peng Peng]

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao