Go hit the hidden treasures for sightseeing at the Botanical Garden
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-05-10 15:58   Source: Hangzhou China

The May Day holiday is approaching zero. For citizens not aspiring to travel around, lots of them preferred to hibernate at home and left the nature and scenery to out-of-towners.   

Meanwhile, travelers are steadily making their way back home as the vacation comes to an end. To grab non-peak hours? Let’s go try a walk at the city's botanical garden gorgeously coated with water lilies and irises, both protagonists in Monet's paintings, and even the endangered species Sinocalycanthus chinensis.  

Now the "sleeping beauties" are in full bloom. The vast waters are mostly water-lily-capped, rendering a sprawling hue varying from verdant to crimson. A part of the lakeview aside, they have become a retreat and food haven for little waterfowls.

"We've done pruning and renewal jobs to make the species of water lilies steadily grown in richness. Now they are mostly white and off-white, with a scattering of striking magenta and peachy orange..." said a garden man. The Garden of Landscape, northeast to Yuquan’s fish pond, spans a floor area of 3.2 hectares, including a water expanse of 6,800 square meters. Water lilies here are the hallmark sights of the botanical garden from May to October, a period bringing life to the blossoms in several rounds.  

Following the Garden of Landscape comes a footpath along the hill body leading to the top of Qinglong Hill. 

A walk on the path may lead you to the main road winding toward Lingfeng, a scenic spot renowned for its plum blossoms. Just look at the waysides, and you may notice the flowering Sinocalycanthus chinensis.

Many of us can't help recalling the petty, light yellow flowers braving snow the moment their name “la-mei” (winter-sweets) are mentioned. 

But, actually, the flowers can also be seen in early summertime. That's Sinocalycanthus chinensis, a Chinese native species born around the Tertiary Period also as the national level II endangered and rare plant.

Apparently, the blossoms of Sinocalycanthus chinensis look a bit larger than those of winter-sweets, resembling somewhat lotuses with petals showing a delicate pale pink amidst white.

You may take another route to the aquatic plant zone (the Rose Garden), where water plants, such as irises and water lilies, are in full bloom. For instance, the pond alongside the Yuanshi Road is resplendent with expanses of blue and purplish-red Louisiana irises.

Just move! Go with your friends or family to greet those flowers.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao