Tangqi's new water hub to be opened by th close of this year
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-04-10 11:42   Source: Hangzhou China

Is a boat ride from Tangqi to the Grand Canal, Dingshan Lake, Chaoshan and elsewhere a dream? It will be made true by the close of this year.

The Q1 Major Project Commencement and Signing Ceremony of Linping District announced 56 projects worth a total of RMB 21.1 billion, covering biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, green energy, semiconductors, new consumer goods, and other sectors.

Two of them in Tangqi are in particular titled “Grand Canal projects”. The construction will be completed by the end of this year. One of them, the Grand Canal National Cultural Park (the section of Tangqi), covers a land of 21.46 ha. along the river course for 3.5 km. The new facilities can effectively be an update of the ecology around Zhangjiadun and the quality of life for riverside dwellers as well.

The other one, also a part of the Grand Canal National Cultural Park but within the confines of Linping, is named Tangqi Water Transport Center. The project covering a floor area of 1.3 ha. will have a shoreline stretching 295 meters for 6 cruise piers and a passenger center, an office building, and some more outdoor facilities.

The Water Transport Center, straddling the confluence of the Grand Canal, neighbors Tangqishi River on the north, borders some residential quarters on the south and east, and adjoins a property yet to be developed on the west. Once completed, the Transport Center will be used as a central hub for a host of premium river cruise routes to the Grand Canal, Tangqi, Dingshan Lake, Chaoshan and the like.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao
Is a boat ride from Tangqi to the Grand Canal, Dingshan Lake, Chaoshan and elsewhere a dream? It will be made true by the close of this year.