Taiziwan Park helps raise waste sorting public awareness amidst blossoms
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-04-03 10:46   Source: Hangzhou China

This March, Taiziwan Park is going beyond the usual breathtaking display of cherry blossoms and tulips. They host a unique event that blends flower appreciation with environmental consciousness. It's a celebration of nature's beauty with a green twist!

On March 27, the park buzzed with activity as over 30 environmental experts, waste sorting volunteers, and community workers came together for a shared mission: to inspire public participation in waste sorting and contribute to making Hangzhou more beautiful.

The event, themed "Sort Right, Live Green," was organized by Hangzhou Municipal Waste Sorting Office and Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Administration Commission. Through lively discussions led by the volunteers, residents gained valuable knowledge on proper sorting methods.

Volunteers from Chun'an County's Little Bee Volunteer Corps shared their waste sorting expertise and attendees expressed appreciation, eager to put their newfound knowledge into action.

It was a day brimming with the joy of appreciating blooming flowers and the thrill of learning sustainable practices. Alongside the event, the park was also hosting the Waste Sorting Carnival, which attracted a large crowd with its interactive challenges. Participants who completed these challenges were given collectible stamps to exchange for a beautiful tulip.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao
This March, Taiziwan Park is going beyond the usual breathtaking display of cherry blossoms and tulips.