Hangzhou to host 46 intl music performances in April
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-04-02 16:42   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

In April, Hangzhou will hold multiple music performances. In addition, the original drama called Spring Dawn at Su Causeway will premiere in Beijing.

There are 46 music performances that including symphony, and folk music, and art groups and artists from 13 countries such as USA, UK, France and Italy, will perform famous concerts in the world.

Spring Dawn at Su Causeway will be staged in a livestreaming manner through digital platforms, telling the story of Su Dongpo, a Song Dynasty (960-1279) poet, whose work is still celebrated today. Audiences can simultaneously watch the livestreaming show at Hangzhou Grand Theater and multiple authorized theaters.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao
In April, Hangzhou will hold 46 music performances. In addition, the original drama called Spring Dawn at Su Causeway will premiere in Beijing.