China's path to modernization through information revolution
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-03-04 16:39   Source: BEIJING YOUTH DAILY

At a recent conference on internet and cybersecurity, the top Chinese leader said China should strive to pursue innovation-based internet development and build China into an internet power.

In today's world, the rapid development of information technology has catalyzed new changes in social production, created new space for human activities, and expanded new areas for national governance. Whichever country better grasps the general trend of informatization will better adapt to and lead the development of the new productive forces, and win the new all-round competition of comprehensive national strength.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the top leader has put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new conclusions on the internet and information technology, forming important thought on how to build China into an internet power. Over the past decade, under the overall leadership of the Party, China has introduced a series of regulations and measures improving and strengthening the country's internet work, and achieved remarkable progress in promoting the construction of network content and cyber ecological governance. Cybersecurity has been further strengthened, and the cybersecurity system and capacity building have been significantly improved.

Information technology is increasingly playing a driving and leading role in China's economic and social development. The accelerated advancement of the rule of law in cyberspace has brought China's internet development onto a healthy and law-based track. At the same time, China has taken a more active part in improving international cyberspace governance and promoting the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace.

Deepening international exchanges and cooperation in the field of the internet and information technology is the only way to build a country into a cyber power. China has deeply participated in the building of global and regional multitiered internet governance platforms, and shared the fruits of internet development with other countries. Increasingly holding international exchange activities in the field of internet in China has made it an important contributor to the openness, sharing, mutual benefit and win-win situation of global cyberspace.

With more than 1 billion internet users, China should lead the trend of information revolution, accelerate the high-quality development of the internet and information technology, and use the new achievements to build itself into an internet power that guarantees its bid to become a modern socialist country and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao