Besides train tickets, you can book flights via 12306 now
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-02-29 16:43   Source: Hangzhoufeel

China’s online ticketing platform 12306 now connects the skies and tracks with several Air companies with more than 2,000 routes on sale.

Right now, you may book Air China, China Eastern, and China Southern flights via 12306, which offeres over 2,000 routes in 78 cities nationwide. Plus, they are amping up with Spring Airlines and Shijiazhuang for 200+ new routes.

Here is a detailed guide on how to purchase tickets for both air and train on 12306:

Open 12306 APP and choose your departure station and destination and check the tickets.

If direct flights from the departure point to the destination are available:

You can choose direct flights or air-rail combined transportation on this page.

If there don't have direct flights from the departure point to the destination:

This page will provide you with the best option for air-rail transport.

This is where you can choose your preferred travel mode and confirm the travel time and the next step will be filling the passenger information including your passport ID.


Don't forget to finish the contact information before submitting your order!

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao