With over RMB 320 Billion Yuan Increased, Hangzhou Cultural Industry Further Enhanced in 2023
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-02-08 14:16   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

Hangzhou’s economic aggregate topped the threshold of RMB 2 trillion Yuan in 2023. The cultural industry, among many other industries, showed a strong momentum of development, achieving an increase of RMB 321.1 billion Yuan, accounting for 16% of the entire city’s GDP and playing a crucial role in safeguarding Hangzhou’s GDP beyond the 2-trillion-yuan mark.

By the entire city, the digital culture enterprises above designated size reached RMB 806.4 billion Yuan in revenue in 2023, marking a year-on-year growth of 18%, to which the animation and game industry contributed RMB 50 billion Yuan and above. With the number of the animation and game enterprises reaching 267, the international brand of “animation city” was further enhanced!

Author:   Editor: Zheng Haiyun