Hangzhou encourages students to design winter holiday homework
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-02-07 15:10   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

This winter holiday, primary and secondary school students in Hangzhou are given different homework. Some schools encourage students to design their own homework. Homework that involves interdisciplinary content and museum visits is the most popular.

Learning local customs, paper cutting and planning Spring Festival family parties stimulate students’ interest in various forms. Some schools say that the "first class of the new semester" will be taught by students themselves, so that children can introduce what they learnt during the winter vacation in different ways.

The winter vacation homework of some schools is more like a guidebook, encouraging students to participate in practice, learn knowledge and train their thinking in various scenes. For example, students can go boating on the West Lake to feel the relative motion in physics, visit China National Silk Museum to learn about the growth of silkworms in biology, and visit Zhejiang Science and Technology Museum to learn about the motion of celestial bodies in science.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao