Chun'an, an "Oxygen Zone" in China
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-02-04 09:54   Source: Hangzhou China

The ranking "2023 China Natural Oxygen Zones", unveiled in the name of the state meteorological administration, is a high recognition of Chun'an for its ecological progress.

"China Natural Oxygen Zone", one of the country's first climate brand building initiatives, is a drive for building the future of the local eco-economy and climate resources. It allows full play to such climate resources for economic growth.

The county's application for "China Natural Oxygen Zone" started in 2023. The local meteorological agency worked with other departments, in the support of the senior meteorological authorities, for the preparations. Chun'an scored high in the final reviews and, thanks to its superb climate and ecosystem, developed tour logistics, and dark-green industries, succeeded in the titling.

Chun'an has a subtropical monsoon climate that features distinct seasons, modest temperature, sufficient rainfall and long-lasting sunshine, says the local meteorological administration. Its complexity in landforms, like mountains, rivers and lakes, delivers a unique ecological climate. Data say the NAI concentration averages 3,000-5,000 per cubic centimeter downtown, while the figure can reach 30,000 in forests and scenic areas. It can even have 100,000 NAIs per cubic centimeter deep in mountains and water resources. The air will be considered Class-I if NAI concentration reaches or exceeds 1,200 per cubic centimeter, according to the global standard.

Chun’an now ranks top in China in ecological progress. It is a state eco-friendly county, a state natural reserve and development model area, and a place rich in forests in the province. 77.88% of the county is shielded with forests (and the lakes), making it Zhejiang’s largest storehouse of forest resources in both area and wood production. The county's Qiandao Lake is also the cleanest lake in China (Class-I for its surface water).

The local meteorological administration has contributed lots. To make it a real big oxygen zone, they built 314 regional automatic weather stations, 2 weather buoys, 1 meteorological monitoring center and 9 air quality (NAI) control stations. The administration also did surveys on meteorological landscapes and ecological climate, creating a province-level rehabilitation village, summer resort and rural oxygen zone. It laid a solid foundation for the success of being called "China Natural Oxygen Zone".

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao