Hangzhou sets economic goal for 2024
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-01-24 16:36   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

From the end of 2023 to the beginning of 2024, thirteen districts and counties in Hangzhou successively held meetings to summarize main work in 2023, assign key tasks in 2024, and set a goal in its GDP growth for 2024.

Hangzhou's GDP growth rate is set to be around 5.5%. Binjiang District, Yuhang District and Tonglu County eyes 6%.

In 2023, Yuhang's economy made a comeback, and multiple indexes once again ranked the first in Zhejiang, which showed its economic strength. Yuhang plans to strive to settle more large-scale scientific facilities in 2024, and make great efforts to become a comprehensive national science center.

Binjiang performed pretty well with steady development and innovation-driven strategy last year. The industrial and service field maintained steady growth in 2023, with core industries of digital economy accounting for 75%. In 2024, Binjiang will continue to promote the construction of scientific facilities and the introduction of talents, to consolidate its leading position.

Tonglu saw growth in advanced manufacturing and tourism industries in 2023. It plans to expand its express delivery economy in 2024 with expected revenue of 33 billion yuan, and develop key industries, and figure out ways to attract more tourists and residents.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao