Hangzhou human resources exchange conference to kickstart
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-01-24 10:42   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

The Hangzhou municipal human resources and social security bureau is set to host a job fair on Feb 20, aiming to facilitate the employment of various groups and contribute to a prosperous start for the city's economy.

The upcoming fair is expected to attract the participation of 200 employers, offering around 6,000 jobs and targeting specific groups such as recent graduates, retired military personnel, individuals with disabilities, and women. The event will feature a Job Seeker Recruitment Zone, a Policy Consultation Zone, a Career Guidance Zone, and a Live Broadcasting Zone with on-the-spot recruitment.

The conference will also feature a live broadcast by Kuaishou, a popular short video platform, allowing for real-time interaction and live job postings. Online resumes can be submitted during the live show, bringing recruitment information to a wider audience.

Moreover, career guidance counselors will be present at the event to offer career planning, market analysis and resume preparation guidance services to jobseekers, aiming to help them clarify their career goals and find positions that match their skills and aspirations.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao