Tickets of trains on Chinese New Year's Eve to go on sale on Friday
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-01-23 16:10   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

The Spring Festival travel rush is about to start from January 26. On that day, the tickets of the trains on the Chinese New Year's Eve is set to go on sale. The tickets for two days before the Chinese New Year's Eve is set to be on sale tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. 

It is estimated that train tickets from Hangzhou to Chengdu, Guiyang, Kunming, and other places are in short supply. These places are the areas of migrant workers and students, so it is difficult to get train tickets because of high demand. 

In addition, short-distance train tickets from Hangzhou to Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, and Ningbo are also hard to get. Citizens with travel plans need to buy tickets in advance. If you cannot purchase one, you can buy the ticket by submitting the standby order.

It is said that the fast passenger train ticket from Jingdezhen to Hangzhou is only 12.5 yuan, while the tickets of the trains from Kunming and Wuchang to Hangzhou are 80% off. This is the railway department's preferential measure for train tickets during the Spring Festival travel rush, covering some universal trains, CRH trains, and reverse dead-head trains. These ultra-low-price tickets are dynamically adjusted based on passenger flow.

Railway station is not the only place to see the peak passenger flow during the Spring Festival travel rush, so are airports and bus stations. According to the data on ticket booking, the ticket searches for and prices of flights from Hangzhou to Harbin, Sanya and so on are relatively high. 

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao