Post-Asian Games transformation of Hangzhou sports venues
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2024-01-03 09:39   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

Now that the Asian Games have concluded, Hangzhou is seeking to make the most of the Games' sports facilities.

With 56 competition venues and 32 training facilities, all boasting state-of-the-art infrastructure, the question arises: How can these sports arenas be transformed into open, accessible spaces for the community?

Yang Yingying, director of the Hangzhou sports bureau, shared the city's vision for the post-Asian Games era: harnessing the venues to invigorate the city, stimulate local industries, and benefit the public.

The initiative will guide districts in refining plans to make venues open and accessible, ensuring the preservation of sports and event functions while exploring new development opportunities. This will include holding sports events, promoting community fitness, attracting businesses and sports clubs, and hosting large-scale cultural and artistic performances.

To uphold standards and transparency, the Hangzhou sports bureau is formulating the Assessment and Evaluation Measures for the Opening of Public Sports Venues in Hangzhou. The annual assessment will cover aspects such as operational efficiency, public service, opening hours, pricing, and public satisfaction. Venues falling short of standards will be given six months to rectify, with non-compliance leading to operational team reassignment.

Hangzhou's commitment to turning sports venues into thriving community hubs reflects a forward-looking approach to sports management. The city aspires to set a new standard for the integration of world-class sports facilities into everyday life.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao
Now that the Asian Games have concluded, Hangzhou is seeking to make the most of the Games' sports facilities.