Live abroad and make expats feel at home
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-28 10:57   Source: hangzhoufeel

Do you miss the atmosphere of Christmas, the New Year's Day, or any of the traditional festivals back at home? Here is some good news for you. A group of bright and enthusiastic people like Debby Bauman take the initiative to organize some joyful events on festivals. Shili Christmas Market is one of them. Debby believes that you can also make such an initiative to create more events in your community, making it home for the expats in Hangzhou.

Debby's story might inspire you to become a creator full of desires and bold ideas. Being a mother of two and an Arts teacher at Huili School Hangzhou, she still spares time to do what she is passionate for -- bringing people together and building a community. Shili Christmas Market is one example of her commitment. Organized by Debby and her friend Kim, from Crabwise, the event successfully attracted some foreign and local vendors, creating a festive atmosphere that was inviting to visitors, me included.

That was a freezing weekend before Christmas when I was strolling alone on the Shili Christmas market downtown. The band, the handmade Christmas decorations, mulled wine, Polish cakes, candles, and jewelry immersed me in a sweet festive ambiance. In a crowd of strangers, a smiling face greeted me, "Welcome, I'm really glad you come!". That beautiful smiling young lady wearing an elf hat was Debby. Her curly blonde hair naturally lay down on her shoulders. In a dark red jacket, she wore a matching scarf around her neck -- some people told her that she looked like a Santa that day.

In the midst of the festive tapestry, I had the chance to know Debby better, discovering an outgoing and kind soul with a rich living abroad experience.

"I'm American, but I was born and grew up in Turkey and then studied in Germany for a little bit as a teenager, went back to the States for the first time to live there for university", Debby shared her background. Her husband by her side shared her passion for international experiences and explained why they decided to work and raise their children overseas. For Debby, her goal was clear -- to expose their kids to a diverse worldview and cultivate their appreciation for people from different corners of the world.

Living abroad, Debby recognized the importance of community. "It's not just about integrating into the local culture, but about something unique and special about experts coming together as a community," she said. While some might be discouraged by the inability to discover a community or be engaged in activities, Debby saw it as an opportunity to create them.

During her first year in Hangzhou and at the Huili School, Debby took the initiative to organize diverse activities for the school staff. As an arts teacher, she organized numerous events, including paint and sip sessions, introductions to watercolor techniques, pumpkin carving workshops, etc. With these events, she aimed to foster connections among the faculty and staff in a creative way.

Debby's community-building ventures extended beyond the school walls. In Hangzhou, where there are not as many English-speaking community events as in Shanghai, where she lived before, she decided to get hold of it in her own hands. Hosting events at her home and various venues became a regular affair. Pumpkin carving, gingerbread house decorating, or a camping Christmas market held last year -- each event was an opportunity for people to come together, make new friends, and experience the joy brought by a community. What sets Debby apart is her commitment to inclusivity. "My goal isn't to separate foreigners from Chinese but to make a community for people to feel like they have their family away from home," she emphasized. Her dedication is evident not just in her words but in the genuine connections built up in her activities.

Debby's care and love for people was extended into her role as an Arts teacher. At her school, her cozy Art classroom is adorned with colorful Mexican handicrafts and other latest works of her students. A big fluffy carpet in front of a teacher's desk creates a warm atmosphere for learning. What truly stands out is a long piece of paper hanging on the wall outside the classroom door saying "I am positive, I am creative, I am mindful, I am amazing, and I'm an artist". "It is our mantra, my younger students will repeat it after me and do hand gestures before entering the classroom". With students or in events, she brings positivity and creativity to everything around her.

Author: Daria Fominykh  Editor: Ye Lijiao
Do you miss the atmosphere of Christmas, the New Year's Day, or any of the traditional festivals back at home? Here is some good news for you.