Go fishing at Xixi Wetland Park
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-26 12:49   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

The annual Xixi Gantang Festival opened in Hangzhou on Dec 23 and will last until Jan 25, 2024.

Gantang, a term used in local rural dialect, essentially means to scoop out most of the water from a pond, leaving just a little, making it easier to catch the fish.

During the event, the lively performances of creative fish lanterns combined traditional folklore with dance, symbolizing abundance. The amiable "Pond Master" made his debut, portraying the simple and industrious image of local fishermen with his plain attire and kind expression. The Aoyu fish lantern, with a dragon-like head and a fish-shaped body, symbolized an era of peace and prosperity.

The highlight of the event was the fish king competition, with three teams entering the pond for a fierce fishing contest in the muddy waters. Amidst cheers, the "Fish King", weighing 24 kilograms, was captured and then released back into the water, symbolizing hopes for favorable weather in the coming year.

Xixi Wetland has been dotted with fish ponds since ancient times, and is still home to 1,066 ponds with a total of 55 fish species. Every early winter, when the river is teeming with fresh and plump fish, fishermen start fishing to celebrate the harvest. They also clear the riverbed mud and shore up the banks in preparation for fish farming the next year.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao
The annual Xixi Gantang Festival opened in Hangzhou on Dec 23 and will last until Jan 25, 2024.