Migratory ducks arrive at West Lake, completing the winter avian quartet
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-15 18:30   Source: Tide News

The serene waters of West Lake in Hangzhou witnessed a delightful sight on the morning of December 12th, as two Common Merganser gracefully settled in for a rest, marking their much-anticipated arrival. With these newcomers, the count of Common Merganser observed in the area has reached three, completing the quartet of winter migratory birds that seek refuge in this scenic locale.

Traditionally, West Lake's winter avian visitors include cormorants, mandarin ducks, black-headed gulls, and now, the Common Merganser. The first three species had already made their presence known earlier this season. The arrival of the Common Merganser, albeit over ten days later than usual, adds to the rich tapestry of birdlife that graces the lake each winter.

Author: Reporter Yang Xiaoxuan  Editor: Ye Lijiao