Hangzhou's Qingyin Street: a golden ginkgo paradise in autumn
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-11 10:40   Source: Tide News

As autumn transitions to winter each year, the city of Hangzhou eagerly anticipates the transformation of ginkgo trees into a sea of golden yellow. Among the many places in the city to witness this spectacle, Qingyin Street stands out as a treasured destination.

Lined with ginkgo trees along its length, Qingyin Street becomes a vibrant tapestry of yellow hues during this season. The street, bustling with a variety of eateries, grocery stores, and fruit shops, comes alive with an enhanced charm as the ginkgo leaves blanket the surroundings. The lively atmosphere of the street, combined with the autumnal ambiance, creates a picturesque scene.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao
As autumn transitions to winter each year, the city of Hangzhou eagerly anticipates the transformation of ginkgo trees into a sea of golden yellow. Among the many places in the city to witness this spectacle, Qingyin Street stands out as a treasured destination.