Chinese, foreign artists discuss cultural exchange and mutual learning in Hangzhou
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-06 10:24   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn


The Liangzhu Forum artist sub-forum is held in Hangzhou from Dec 1-2. 

The Liangzhu Forum artist sub-forum was held in Hangzhou from Dec 1-2, attracting about 150 artists from 83 countries to discuss the unique role of artistic creation in cultural exchange and mutual learning.

The sub-forum was titled "Dialogue of Chinese and International Artists: Civilization Exchanges and Mutual Learning".

The keynote speech session, which took place on Dec 2 in Dream Town, saw Xu Jiang, vice-chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, deliver a keynote speech titled "What Are We Showing the World", and seven artists from Cote d'Ivoire, Syria, Kazakhstan, Thailand, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Ecuador engage in discussions on relevant topics. They explored the unique role and positive impact of artistic creation in cultural exchange and mutual learning.


Artists take a group photo while touring around Hangzhou.


The Liangzhu Forum artist sub-forum is held in Hangzhou from Dec 1-2. 

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao