6th China-Arab States Forum on Radio and TV Cooperation to be held in Hangzhou
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-05 16:02   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

The 6th China-Arab States Forum on Radio and TV Cooperation will be held in Hangzhou on December 9-11. It focuses on showing the achievements of radio & TV audio-visual cooperation between China and Arab states, and discusses policy dialogue, content cooperation and technical empowerment.

The forum will also organize China-Arab States Audio-visual Cooperation Achievement Exhibition, China Radio & TV Audio-visual Development Technology Exhibition, China-Arab States Excellent Audio-visual Programs Show, etc.

The high-level representatives from the government departments, radio & TV institutions and relevant international organizations of China and Arab states will participate in the forum to promote the radio & TV audio-visual industry cooperation between China and Arab states, enhance people-to-people ties and create new opportunities for China-Arab states cooperation.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao
The 6th China-Arab States Forum on Radio and TV Cooperation will be held in Hangzhou on December 9-11. It focuses on showing the achievements of radio & TV audio-visual cooperation between China and Arab states, and discusses policy dialogue, content cooperation and technical empowerment.