New AI video generator goes viral, company founder studied at Hangzhou No. 2 High School
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-12-01 16:10   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

Founder Guo Wenjing (L) and Co-founder & CTO Meng Chenlin

On November 29, the new AI video generator was released by the newly-established company called Pika with only four members. In the past two days, it went viral on social platforms and in sci-tech circles at home and abroad.

This company has become the popular AI video generation company in the world. Founder Guo Wenjing studied at Hangzhou No. 2 High School and was the first student of Zhejiang to be admitted early to the undergraduate program of Harvard.

Guo Wenjing said: “At present, Pika’s products are free of charge, but the tiered subscription model may be launched ultimately. The paying users can enjoy more functions.”

Author: Text by Zheng Haiyun  Editor: Li Jiameng