Xiajiang village named World's Best Tourism Village
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-10-22 16:37   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

Xiajiang village in Chun'an county, Hangzhou was honored as the "World's Best Tourism Village" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization at an awards ceremony in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on Oct 19.

The initiative is aimed at helping the tourism industry conserve the diversity of rural areas, their natural and cultural assets, and local values, ultimately fostering sustainable development.

A total of 258 candidate villages from 63 countries participated in this year's selection, with 54 villages from 32 countries ultimately being chosen, with Xiajiang village being one of the four villages in China to receive the recognition.

In recent years, Xiajiang village has emerged as a model for the development of sustainable rural tourism. It leveraged its natural environment, embraced digital transformation, introduced unique tourism routes and cultural programs, and hosted various festival celebrations.

In 2022, Xiajiang village welcomed 409,500 tourists, including 54,800 overnight guests, generating tourism revenue of 65.65 million yuan ($8.97 million). The village also hosted 884 training and educational sessions, benefiting over 44,000 participants.

Xiajiang village's recognition as the "World's Best Tourism Village" highlights its tourism development model and places it on the international stage. The award is a milestone in the village's development, and it is expected to further contribute to international exchanges and mutual cultural enrichment.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao