2.5-kilometer blueprint for a world-class vitality axis in Hangzhou
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-10-18 11:49   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

The results of the international design competition for the New Center Axis in Hangzhou, a pivotal new urban center, were revealed on Oct 16. Foster + Partners, an architectural firm based in the United Kingdom, emerged victorious with their innovative blueprint.

The competition was announced on May 8 and received applications from 66 teams across 16 countries, with five organizations proceeding to the design phase.

Yuhang district, where the axis will be located, aims to attract more international, forward-thinking, and creative perspectives in order to establish a world-class 2.5-kilometer-long axis stretching from Hemu wetland in the south to Xiangwang Street in the north.

The winning concept proposed by Foster + Partners was titled "A Single Axis, Five Different Experiences". The segments promise unique qualities, collectively creating a high-quality space blending commerce, education, hospitality, creativity, innovation, nature, and ecology to offer a rich and diverse experience for citizens.

"The future of a city is essentially built and designed around people, and we are trying to create five entirely different experiences for people, as well as pathways that will enrich their lives," said Bruno Moser, senior partner and director of Urban Design Group at Foster + Partners.

A panel of experts and relevant departments evaluated the proposals, focusing on aspects such as spatial forms, functionality, practicality, and sustainability. Broad public participation in the evaluation process is encouraged through voting.

The panel, led by Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician and Southeast University Professor Wang Jianguo, commended Foster + Partners' design for its fusion of modernity and Hangzhou's cultural uniqueness. The design was also deemed highly feasible, aligning well with market demands and effectively addressing uncertainties associated with future construction.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao