Wintering cormorants grace Hangzhou's West Lake, attracting bird enthusiasts
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-10-13 21:18   Source: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn

The shores of the West Lake in Hangzhou saw the arrival of the first wave of wintering cormorants on Oct 11, local media outlets reported.

The birds could be seen diving for fish, attracting enthusiasts and photographers looking to capture the unique spectacle. Their presence brings a sense of warmth to Hangzhou's West Lake during the autumn and winter seasons.

Cormorants, mandarin ducks, black-headed gulls, and Eurasian wigeons, often referred to as the big four families of West Lake's wintering birds, migrate from the northern regions to West Lake for the winter. Cormorants are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave as spring approaches.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao