Belt & Road countries reach out to Hangzhou private companies
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-05-26 14:20   Source: Hangzhoufeel

Diplomats, commercial officials and representatives of business organizations from ten countries were invited to attend the 2023 Hangzhou Belt & Road Countries Business Matching Seminar held on May 11 and were involved in two-way exchanges with more than 90 Hangzhou private entrepreneurs.

The Year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of China's Belt and Road Initiatives. Over the past ten years, more and more private enterprises in China have taken advantage of the Initiatives, constantly reaching out abroad and extensively participating in the joint construction of the international market.

On the seminar, foreign representatives from Venezuela, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ecuador, India and other countries introduced the distinctive and advantageous industries and policies of each country with wonderful promotional videos to attract Hangzhou private enterprises to invest and settle down there.

Hangzhou private enterprises are the pioneering force in the Belt & Road market map. At the event, the representatives of the North American Hofusan Industrial Park exchanged with those of the local enterprises and shared the latest international achievements of the Hangzhou companies.

Hofusan Industrial Park is a modern one developed by Holley Group, Futong Group and the Santos Family from Mexico. Since 2015 when the construction started, it has attracted nearly 30 Chinese companies and created more than 4,000 local jobs.

Leisbeth Coromoto Berrios León, consul general of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Shanghai, was impressed by the seminar and told Hangzhoufeel that their government attaches great importance to this activity in hopes to attract Chinese enterprises to invest in Venezuela. On that day, she also got to know the company which has invested in Mexico. The experience they share cast the light for their country to attract Chinese investment.

Author: By Zhu Jingning  Editor: Ye Lijiao