Hangzhou cultural tourism system has made preparations to cope with peak tourist flow
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-04-28 16:40   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

According toHangzhou Tourism Economic Forecast Report, Hangzhou City is estimated toreceive 6,650,000-7,160,000 person-times during the May DayHoliday this year. The daily average number of tourists may recover to123%-133% of that in 2019, and is expected to reacha new historical high. For this purpose, Hangzhou cultural tourism system has made preparations in advance to effectively cope withpeak tourist flow.

Hangzhou plans abundant entertainment products and cultural activities. There are endless performance activities in the scenic area. The public service institutions at all levels successively hold the theme exhibitions, concerts, reading clubs and other cultural activities. Many tourist routes are set up, including Spring Tea Fair, Loquat Festival, Rice Pastoral Season, Water Tour, etc.. The scenic area also launches holiday promotion activities to attract more tourists.

In order to optimize the tourist experience, Hangzhou will also provide tourists with a series of convenient digital tourism public services so as to offer the complete tourism guidance to tourists.

In addition, recently, Hangzhou has carried out the comprehensive renovation for the order of tourism market to ensure the safe, orderly, civilized and comfortable travel of tourists.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao