Alibaba helps SMEs to secure orders at top overseas exhibitions
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2023-02-23 17:51   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

Starting from March, Alibaba International Station will take domestic SMEs to participate in top global exhibitions. The list of the first group of participators was released on February 22. 

It is said that the current overseas exhibition is different from the pure on-site overseas exhibitions in that it applies “mixed digital exhibition” for the firs time. That is to say, Alibaba International Station will launch on-site exhibition and online digital exhibition simultaneously. 

SMEs only have to deliver the samples for the on-site exhibition to the designated place. Alibaba will help them with digital upgrading services, such as presentation and promotion of products and production lines.

The combination of online and on-site exhibitions enables SMEs to reach the targeted overseas buyers with lower costs and effectively expand overseas market. 

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao