The world's best ode to tea lauds Hangzhou tea
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-12-08 17:18   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

According to the list of prize winners of world’s best odes to tea announced recently, Zhang Xiaomo, a Hangzhou-born poet, won the gold prize; Yin Mo from Beijing, Dong Fu from Xinjing, and Zhang Deqiang from Hangzhou were silver prize winners. 

The competition has solicited tea-themed poems written by tea culture enthusiasts from around the world. The contents of the poems shall be centered on Hangzhou tea culture represented by two national-level intangible cultural heritages including green tea processing technique (West Lake Longjing Tea) and Jingshan tea banquet, with a purpose to spread the two intangible cultures to the world and encourage more people to participate in the inheritance, protection and development of the culture.  

A total of approximately 2,000 odes to tea have been acquired in a period of one month. Some are contributed by overseas poets from New Zealand, Russia and Australia. Some are contributed by poem and tea culture enthusiasts from around the country. 

Please scan the QR Code for the complete list of the prize winners 

Author: Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao