Hangzhou goes all out for Zero Waste Asian Games
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-11-29 16:40   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

Upholding the concept of staging the "green" Asian Games, Hangzhou has built "Zero Waste Asian Games Cells" demonstration points and striven to ensure that the per capital solid waste emission during Hangzhou Asian Games will be reduced by over 10% compared to other sport events. 

Hangzhou has prepared the first guideline for the meticulous implementation of the "zero-waste Asian Games" work system for various links before, during and after the event, including the links of construction, catering, office and accommodation. Meanwhile, the city has implemented "Zero Waste Asian Games Cells" to provide the guidance on sorting of wastes and realize the reduction of solid wastes from source, resource utilization and pollution-free disposal of wastes in the basic units, such as the competition venues and reception hotels. 

Upon the completion of the system, Hangzhou will develop customized application scenarios of "Zero Waste Asian Games Cells" to realize unified command and management of the whole process of waste disposal through online platform. Online data analysis enables effective early warning, timely and safe disposal of wastes, and precise evaluation of work results, and will greatly contribute to carbon neutrality during the Asian Games. 

Next, Hangzhou will encourage more public involvement in the "Zero Waste Asian Games" initiative through multiple approaches and set an example in building a zero waste city. 

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao