Xiaoshan launches 10 steps to build up sporting city
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-11-28 16:53   Source: hangzhou.com.cn

To commemorate the 300-day countdown to Hangzhou Asian Games, Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou launched 10 steps to further refine urban management, enliven the atmosphere of the Asian Games and turn the city into an international metropolis.

As an ancient and modern city, Xiaoshan owns Kuahuqiao culture that dates back to 8,000 years ago and has witnessed the spectacular events of G20 Hangzhou Summit. Now, boasting prominent venues of Hangzhou Asian Games, Xiaoshan is launching 10 steps to promote and improve infrastructure, appearance, traffic order, civic landmarks, civilization, security and culture of this city, ethical quality of citizens, residents’ engagement in the Asian Games, the glamour of Xiaoshan, and good results from the Asian Games on display, with a purpose to achieve the symbolic results of the Asian Games and shape the most beautiful image of Xiaoshan during the Asian Games. 

Meanwhile, Xiaoshan has chosen the first list of top ten tourist routes in terms of  competition venues, sports, transportation, digital intelligence, common prosperity, landscape, red revolution, culture, intangible cultural heritage and industry so as to make the citizens enjoy the dividends of the Asian Games. Among the routes, “sports tour” links up Asian Games Theme Park, Guali Baseball Town and other experience points, and offers diversified rural sports, including baseball and hiking, to make the tourists experience the difference between urban and rural sports. The “common prosperity tour” links up the celebrated villages that have gone viral online in recently years. The route enables tourists to enjoy the fragrance of rice in the field and experience the delight of harvesting in orchards while enabling the farmers to increase income. 

In addition, Xiaoshan is dedicated to creating “15-minute radius of civilized voluntary service within Asian Games City” and building a fast, precise and efficient voluntary service system for the Asian Games to make tourists from around the world experience the passion and hospitality of Xiaoshan. In this way, Xiaoshan has set up service outlets not only at competition venues of the Asian Games, but also at main urban traffic hubs, hotels, malls and other living service areas. A dense interactive service network has been formed to provide events information, traffic guidance, language translation, assistance and rescue services for the tourists. 

Author: Text by Zhu Xudong, Fang Liang Photo by Tian Lanfang  Editor: Ye Lijiao