200 domestic and foreign youth embrace the swimming event in Hangzhou
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-11-23 10:32   Source: hangzhou2022.cn

On November 20, Hangzhou International Youth Swimming Open Championship 2022 was held in Hangzhou Gymnasium, and 200 swimmers gathered here to enjoy happy competition.

There was amateur group and competitive group. The foreign participants were the students from the international schools in Hangzhou. In consideration of the pandemic prevention and control, only the athletes and judges were allowed to enter the venue. The parents and coaches can watch the children's performance through online live broadcast.

Swimming is a characteristic sport in Zhejiang. The swimmers in Hangzhou have good swimming foundation. This event can be an opportunity for children to do exercise, and provide the reference for the selection of outstanding swimming athletes, which helps to build swimming into the golden card of Hangzhou Sports.

Author: Text by Ye Lijiao  Editor: Ye Lijiao