Cute children create the memory of the Asian Games with hands
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-11-21 17:40   Source: hangzhou2022.cn

On November 14, the first stop of the public welfare activity with the theme of "cute children' handprints made on the long scroll of the Asian Games" was launched in Hangzhou Kaixuan Huajiachi Kindergarten. The mascots of Hangzhou Asian Games, together with cute children, participated in the Asian Games related activity to jointly enter the Asian Games.

In the morning, Fu Jianchen, the national fitness instructor, led the children to do a set of self-made towel exercises.

Later, the children put their painted hands on 20.22m-long scroll of the Asian Games to make handprints so as to send their best wishes to the Asian Games.

It was reported that, in the next month, more children would be invited to make handprints on the long scroll, and the works would be donated to Hangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee after being completed. The activity made the children know more about the Asian Games to create the exclusive memory of the Asian Games.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao