Hangzhou residents plant flowers to add green to the Asian Games
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-10-31 08:33   Source: hangzhou2022.cn

On October 27, in Hangzhou Jinjiang Liuyuan Park, the environment protection working personnel arranged more than 190 potted seedlings in the pattern of Chinese characters of "Greeting the Asian Games", and held an activity themed by "my potted plants for the Asian Games". Following the guidance of volunteers, the residents began to elaborately plant flowers.

The activity also carried out flower display & evaluation, potted plants as gifts, park greening and other links, and encouraged the residents to share the planting experience, so as to jointly create the beautiful ecological environment. It focused on the green concept, gathered more social forces to participate in the construction of Green Asian Games, and built a better city image to greet the grand event.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao