Two hundred electronic labels advance the course of "zero-waste Asian Games"
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-10-28 17:51   Source: City Express

As the demonstration point of "zero-waste Asian Games cell", Hangzhou International Expo Centre Hotel has pasted 200 electronic labels on the body of vehicles and barrels carrying waste. The accurate readings of the weighbridge will be entered into the intelligent waste sorting system of the hotel through the labels, to achieve the traceability of sources, which is accurate to each area and venue.

Since the system was put into operation in July, the hotel waste reduction and zero-waste results have been clear at a glance. Other waste has been decreased from 1,500 kg to 1,200 kg, controlling the generation of waste from the source.

In the future, the system will also cover the Main Media Centre and Asian Games Squash Court, and explore the construction of the first "zero-waste event" implementation guide through the "zero-waste Asian Games" digital evaluation system, to provide "zero-waste" standards and experiences for other large-scale activities and events, and create the "zero-waste city" brand with higher recognizability of Zhejiang.

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao