Lin'an Asian Games Yingbin Avenue makes splendid debut
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-10-28 17:50   Source: Hangzhou Daily

After several months of elaborate renovation, Jiuzhou Street of Lin'an is revitalized with bright neon lights. 

Lin'an Sports Culture & Exhibition Centre (LSCEC), one of the competition venues for the Asian Games, is ablaze as daytime in the evening and has witnessed a continuous flow of people coming for sports, fitness and ball playing.

In the Lucky Square of the Asian Games Shishan Park opposite the LSCEC, young or old men and women are dancing hilariously at the accompaniment of lively music. 

The park is featured by blanket-like green lawn where flowers are in full bloom. 

After upgrading, the street enjoys great popularity with surging wave of crowds coming here to gain the benefits brought by the Asian Games and express their expectation for the grand event. 

Author:   Editor: Ye Lijiao