Hangzhou upgraded punctual bus services
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-09-02 16:11   Source: City Express

Starting from the end of August, Dingqiao Region of Hangzhou has successively upgraded public transportation services by extending blue mini bus routes and launching punctual bus services. Bus 285, which shuttles between Dingqiao and downtown Hangzhou, has adopted segmented pricing while Buses 125, 205 and 1902 will implement “staggered departure” to improve service efficiency. 

After fixing the routes, Dingqiao customized “Guideline for Blue Mini Bus Services” for the residential communities. Residents may check the timetable of bus departure via mobile phone to ensure punctual boarding. Also, they may have access to a paper version of “Guideline for Bus Services” to select their exclusive routes. 

Moreover, by observing the data of citizens’ travel destinations, Special Blue Mini Buses 1994 and 1995 may even plan the routes based on the passengers’ destinations to provide faster and more flexible bus services. Drivers of Bus 1998 may deliver the passengers to Sam’s Club, a frequent destination, at their request. 

All these measures enable citizens to enjoy the convenience and the real benefits of bus services. 

Author: Reporter: Huang Yuxuan  Editor: 叶丽姣