Appreciate the Asian Games in the farmer paintings themed by "Enjoying the Asian Games & Drawing the Future"
en.hangzhou.com.cn   2022-07-29 16:11   Source: hangzhou2022.cn


In order to promote the Asian Games, "Enjoying the Asian Games & Drawing the Future" China (Yudong) Farmer Painting Collection & Selection Activity was launched in September last year, and the selected 19 paintings were donated to the Asian Games Organising Committee on the morning of July 26 as the gift for the Asian Games.



From a unique perspective, the farmer painters integrated artistic creativity into their own life experience, conveying the surging spirit with their body, and depicting the rural arena, which showed the blessings of farmers in the new era for the Asian Games, and delivering their passion for healthy sports.


Passionate Asian Games

Passionate Asian Games shows the fierce competition in a deafening sound of gongs and drums; in Cycling Marathon, the players wear the "golden armour", striving for the first. The staggered tone, flexible body and brushstroke express the simplicity and straightforwardness of farmers.

Nineteen paintings are exhibited by Hangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee for one week since July 26. After the exhibition, they will be permanently preserved, becoming the "precious memory" of Hangzhou Asian Games.

Author:   Editor: Li Jiameng